Wednesday 25 July 2012

Compliment or Derogatory Comment?

Whilst returning at twilight from my stroll to the post office I walked past some unruly gentlemen (if you can call them gentlement) at the bus stop. Was I surprised when one of them leaned forward and croaked a snide comment? No, but perhaps I should have been. In fact I continued walking as if I hadn't heard a thing.

This lead me to wonder whether today's women have become objects of only a sexual nature to be gawked at by men as they pass or have we always been seen in this way?... Something tells me the latter. Furthermore, and perhaps more interestingly, have we as women become so used to this prospect, if not accepted it, that our reactions have gone from that of shocked retorts to no reaction at all?

Can we blame the television and advertisements we see for these changes in social norms? Changes in the way men feel they can talk to women and the way women portray themselves? Perhaps. But if a woman attracting a derogatory comment from the opposite sex has become a social norm then why does it agitate me (and most others) so?

Or do I have it all wrong? Maybe being called a 'hot babe' was meant as a compliment in order to make me feel good and more confident, to confirm the way I was dressed is desired and I'm doing a great job at being attractive. Was I being too negative when I blink for a second longer whilst directing unspoken insults at the man who made me feel like a whore for wearing baggy shorts and a lose top?  Is it cynical of me to believe this comment may not have meant any of the above, but a been a facade to get some meat into bed that night?

Yet, had this person been more attractive and younger, would my feelings of disgust exist? Is that how we find our suitor/lover/soul mate? Through the same games that the dodgy men at bus stops use, just with more suitable ages, levels of attractiveness and hopefully slightly more respect as a human being rather than a 'hot piece of ass'?

Sunday 22 July 2012

Hey, me again....

I don't quite understand why some of the previous post's text is highlighted but hey, another question unanswered (see what I did there, see what I did ahhh *nudge* *nudge* )

So let me explain a bit about myself:

I loooove photography so really I should get out more and get cracking on the nature photographs (the natural forms don't take photos of themselves after all)
I also love to read but sadly as I seem to have little time, reading just hasn't been going to well.
I'm also quite the environmentalist or as one of my best friend's father says I'm 'Enviro.. Mental' haha love it. so that has lead me to study env science at Uni.

That's all you need to know about me for now because I don't want any creepy peepies coming to get me if you catch my drift fact it is the morning...sooo..... morning..

Maybe 'Peace out' is more appropriate in this context

An experiment which could possibly result in a paradigm shift

Good evening, or should I say almost good morning as it is almost the morning, considering the fact that this blog will be posted nearly at midnight, at which point the socially correct thing to say will be 'Good morning'.

Well I believe that sentence was the perfect way of saying that this blog of mine will most certainly be consisting of lots of ridiculously long sentences so be prepared to get lost in the commas hehe. I believe it only right to explain the title of this post so I do encourage you to read on as somewhere in the next  paragraph all will be revealed.

And so  I begin, a blog of many words I hope, triggered by a great friend, who has written a number of blogs himself. I started to understand the importance of writing down that which is most dearest to the heart and hard to speak out to those that ought to hear as bottling such contents could never result in a good outcome, both mentally and even physically. Hence this blog is 'An experiment which could possibly result in a paradigm shift' : from sitting and working things out in my head to clearly writing them down for all to see and not care about (except those of course who want to care because it distracts them from their own problem at that given moment in time).

Now because this blog is getting a bit confusing, even for myself may i just state, I shall wrap it up by saying: Hello, it is I, the one with many questions that might not ever be answered, simply because there are but too many possible answers or because, as time moves forward at a rate that seems to be getting faster, the answers may no longer be relevant. 

Good night for the next 7 minutes and good morning after 7 minutes