Sunday 22 July 2012

Hey, me again....

I don't quite understand why some of the previous post's text is highlighted but hey, another question unanswered (see what I did there, see what I did ahhh *nudge* *nudge* )

So let me explain a bit about myself:

I loooove photography so really I should get out more and get cracking on the nature photographs (the natural forms don't take photos of themselves after all)
I also love to read but sadly as I seem to have little time, reading just hasn't been going to well.
I'm also quite the environmentalist or as one of my best friend's father says I'm 'Enviro.. Mental' haha love it. so that has lead me to study env science at Uni.

That's all you need to know about me for now because I don't want any creepy peepies coming to get me if you catch my drift fact it is the morning...sooo..... morning..

Maybe 'Peace out' is more appropriate in this context

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